HIVM is pleased to announce that EAH Housing received financing awards from the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) and other sources for the $58 million development project along West Kawili Street in Hilo. Construction for this project began in early February. The grading, hauling, and tree removal were completed in April. Vertical construction began in May 2023 and construction is now (March 7, 2024) reaching completion with drywall being installed in the units. If you want to fill out an online application go to EAH Housing to find: Overview, Directions, Community Details, Development Info, Application.
9 of our HIVM Board Members and 2 ex-officio board members
The latest update for the medical component of HIVM’s mission Artists rendering of the proposed new community-based Based Medical Clinic by Fleming & Associates LLC Now that our housing project is under construction, we are exploring the possibilities for building a community medical clinic in partnership with an established Hawaii-based medical services provider. This clinic would provide work and office space for island and off-island doctors and specialists who can serve military veterans as well as the overall island community.
We’ll also be establishing an endowment fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation. These endowment funds will be used to provide scholarships to deserving on-island public high school graduates, with preference to the children and grandchildren of veterans. Should you be interested in supporting this endeavor, tax-deductible donations (federal tax EIN 94-3276578) can be made to: Hawaii Island Veterans Memorial, Inc., PO Box 6820, Hilo, Hi 96720, and will be deposited in our endowment fund.